7zip tricks

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7zip from dosbox

To create seperate zip files from the commandline in dos with 7zip the following:

forfiles /M data.* /C "cmd /c 7z a @file.zip @file"

In the following directory:

 Volume Serial Number is 1337-1337

 Directory of C:\TEMP

01-01-2001  00:00    <DIR>          .
01-01-2001  00:00    <DIR>          ..
01-01-2001  07:00            16.384 data.log
01-01-2001  08:00            16.384 data.dat
01-01-2001  09:00            32.768 data2.log
               3 File(s)     65.536 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  33.554.432 bytes free

will create data.log.zip and data.dat.zip with zip compression.